News Release

Carlyle Message on the Passing of Dick Darman


Washington, DC – Global private equity firm The Carlyle Group today sent the following message on the passing of Dick Darman to its 1,000 professionals worldwide:

Today Carlyle lost our dear friend and colleague, Dick Darman. Dick passed away this morning after a courageous fight with leukemia.

Dick joined Carlyle in 1993 and for 15 years, in countless ways, helped make Carlyle the successful global firm that it is today. He was instrumental in the launch and success of our global venture and growth capital group and the Riverstone energy investing team and was a trusted advisor and confidant to many of us. For all Dick has done for us and the firm, we are grateful.

His towering intellect and voracious appetite for knowledge made him a formidable asset and ally, not only to Carlyle but also to AES Corporation, where he was Chairman, and to his country, having held numerous senior policy positions under five Presidents, including serving in the cabinet of President George H. W. Bush as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Dick’s sudden passing and the recent loss of our colleague Michael Connelly are keen reminders to all of us of the great gift of life and the importance of making the most of every day, every interaction, every relationship, every opportunity.

In that spirit, Dick was a mentor to many young people at Carlyle and throughout his career, lending a hand and an ear to the next generation.

His service to non-profit organizations and educational institutions also inspired us, including his role as Trustee of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chairman of the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and Member of the Overseers’ Visiting Committee at Harvard University.

Please keep Dick’s wife Kathleen, his three sons, William, Jonathan and Emmet, and their family in your thoughts and prayers.

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